Dancing His Praises
2022-2023 Studio Policy
1. Communication Tree
a. Emails are sent out at least a couple times a month. The first email you receive should be one to two week after registration. If you aren’t receiving any emails, please let us know ASAP.
b. Questions, comments and concerns of any type should be communicated through email at dancinghp@gmail.com. Please allow 3-4 days to respond as some emails need to be routed to the proper teacher. Please do not attempt to contact teachers at their home or during class times. We want to allow our teacher to give their full attention to their students during class.
c. The Website - Information, news, announcements, details about pictures, recital, rehearsal or dance classes will be sent out via email and posted to our website. Visit www.dancinghispraises.com, click ‘Current Students’ at the top and go to ‘News’. Anything you might need to know will be listed there
d. Become our friend on Facebook and Instagram! Our page will be updated along with the website and via email. ‘Like’ and ‘follow’ our page to stay up on the latest information.
2. Dress Attire
a. We have been very lenient on dress attire and it has become too lax as we often have many dancers showing up in clothing they can’t dance in. The following is a list of required dance attire.
i. Dancer MUST wear tights or leggings to every dance class. A leotard or workout/formfitting top must be worn on top. Dance skirts are also acceptable.
ii. No crop tops or cut out shirts may be worn unless worn over a leotard. No booty shorts. If shorts are worn over tights they must cover the dancer’s buttocks.
iii. Absolutely NO jeans, sweatpants, baggy shirts, t-shirt or gym shorts.
iv. Hair MUST be secured back into pony tail, braids or bun before class begins.
v. No chewing gum or big, dangling or distracting jewelry
vi. Proper ballet, tap or jazz shoes should be worn for every class. All dancers must have dance shoes by the second week of class
vii. Dancers must have the proper size/color/style/etc ordered by April for pictures
b. If a dancer comes to dance class in inappropriate dance attire that is danceable, grace will be given and we will allow them to participate for that day. Failure to comply with the policy repeatedly will result in dismissal from the class until she is able to come in proper dance attire.
c. This year we are excited to announce that the studio has been blessed with the resources to require technique/conditioning classes for our intermediate and advanced dancers. It is mandatory to have the proper dance attire for all technique classes. If a student does not have proper attire, they will be asked to sit out of technique class and will be required to make up the class by attending an additional technique class.
d. If a child forgets their shoes, we give grace for that week. Continuing to come to class without shoes will result in having to sit and watch class until the dancer has the appropriate shoes.
3. Class Attendance
a. All class attendance will be recorded this year
b. All intermediate and advanced dancers will be allowed to miss 4 classes without needing to make it up. (Intermediate and advanced dancers are those who have technique classes along with their regular dance class.) After missing 4 classes, dancers will be required to attend an additional technique for every class missed. A schedule will be provided when informing the teacher of the absence.
c. All teachers must be informed of the absence
d. Dancers cannot miss more than one class in the 6 weeks leading up to recital
e. All dancers who wish to perform at recital will need to be able to be able to perform their dances on their own. If unable to do this, we reserve the right to pull the student from recital performance. **note: costumes and tuition will not be refunded if a student is pulled from recital. As mentioned above, we want student to bring their first fruits to the Lord and worship with all their heart, soul and strength. They cannot do this if they are watching their neighbor to know what the next dance move is. Kids who do not know their choreography cause last minute changes in choreography that has resulted in stress and frustration to the students who have worked hard to know their dances.**
4. Class Placements
a. It is our goal as a studio that everyone would know their dances and be able to perform them so well that placement wouldn’t matter. We, as your child's teacher spend time with them in class and know the ins and outs of all things dance. Not everyone can be front and center, and some of our best teachers were back row dancers! As a Christian studio we also value humility as we are sometimes called to bloom where we are planted. We also need strong back row dancers and each of us as teachers has been a strong back row dancer at times. Height, size, class size, technique, rhythm and so much more go into placements. Everyone is seen and everyone is called to be their best where they are placed. We want to dance to bring glory to our Father, not to our name.
b. WE ASK THAT YOU LISTEN TO THE TEACHERS AND TRUST that they are placing your daughter in the best spot for them. Front and center is not always the heartbeat of the studio. We place accordingly based on many factors, but we also look at what is BEST for each individual student and the group as a whole.
c. As this is not a school related activity, your child may not be placed in the same class as their classmates. We also cannot guarantee placements based on carpools or friends.
5. Recital
a. Each year, we reserve the right for creativity to cause changes to recital. If groups are split or put together, then it is our prerogative. Each year our recital could be a little different. We may not perform every dance style taught and the styles we do perform could be different for each group.
6. Fees
a. Dance classes are paid as a monthly fee no matter the amount of weeks in each month or the amount of weeks attended by the dancer. Payments can be made one of the following ways:
i. Check that is dropped off at the studio during dance hours
ii. Cash dropped off at the studio
- Cash payments must be labeled with the name of the dancer or parent and the amount and the month/purpose of the payment. Otherwise it will not be recorded properly
iii. Credit card payment online
- To make a payment with your credit card visit our website: www.dancinghispraises.com
- Up at the top, select ‘Current Students’ --> ‘Payments’ --> follow the on screen directions to purchase the appropriate class options to your cart.
- *Note: technique classes are a separate option
- **A convenience fee is applied when paying online.
b. All tuition payments are due on the FIRST dance class of every month.
c. All accounts not paid by the second dance class of the month will be charged a $10 late fee for every month that is remains unpaid.
d. Costumes checks should be separate from tuition payments.
e. During the month of costume bills, payments for costumes are also due on the first of every month.
f. If you ever have a question regarding payments, please email us at dancinghp@gmail.com. Reminder that not all teachers have access to book-keeping and may not have the answers.
g. All registration, tuition and costume payments are non-refundable
h. Costumes must be paid in full before they are given to the dancer. If costumes are not paid for, the costume will remain at the studio until they are paid for.
i. If your account is more then 2 months overdue, your dancer will be asked to watch class until the account payments are up-to-date.
j. If you ever have a situation or problem with paying for your account, such as a job loss or illness or the time of month that you receive your paycheck, PLEASE send us an email to make us aware of the situation. We understand that life can be out of our control at times and situations may change.
7. Costumes
a. Costumes are not a custom, made-to-order fit. Sometimes they are perfect, sometimes they are snug and sometimes they are loose. However, based on several different measurements, we order to the best of our ability.
b. Should a costume need to be returned because you would like a different size (if available) the cost of returns will be charged to the families account.
c. Dancers will be required to take care of any repairs of costume if it cannot be exchanged or a costume needs to be hemmed.
d. A $50 costume deposit will be required with tuition payment on October.
8. Cancellations
a. Classes that are cancelled due to bad weather will be posted in an email, on our website at www.dancinghispraises.com and on our Facebook and Instagram page.
b. We follow Clear Lake School system for bad weather. If they cancel or let out early due to weather, then we usually cancel dance classes. If they cancel school due to other reasons than the weather, we will still have dance.
9. Practicing
a. Please note that your dancer will not be able to keep up with their current class and/or not improve in their dance ability unless they do their required practicing at home. Students cannot just show up and expect to excel by simply showing up for class each week alone.
b. If you as a parent need assistance in knowing what they should be working on or what they are working on in class, talk with your teacher before or after a class. As parents, coming in to class and taking a video can also be a great help if need be.
c. If your teacher feels that the dancer is falling behind and not practicing at home, we will be contacting the parents to discuss this. It may be that we have you as a parent come to class to see how you can help your daughter excel and improve your daughters practicing.
d. Songs will be spliced on our website for students to practice to at home.
e. DVD’s will be given to the younger dancers only who need extra help practicing. If your daughter’s do not have a DVD then feel free to come to the studio during class times to record their dances.
f. If you lose your DVD go to our website, click on ‘Current Students’, select ‘FAQ’ and scroll down to the DVD section
10. Studio Policies
a. Please leave food, shoes, bags and cellphones in the waiting room area. They are not allowed on the studio floor.
b. Please respect the area around you and pick up after yourself. There is 2 garbage cans available in the waiting room.
c. PLEASE be mindful of the class before you and be quiet when in the waiting room. It is not fun for the teachers to have to talk over students in the waiting room.
11. Respect
a. Please arrive a few minutes before the start of class to allow your dancer to have time to pull her hair back, get her shoes on and get ready for class.
b. Leave all negative and bad attitudes outside the studio door.
c. Remember to thank your teachers at the end of every class
d. Please be respectful when talking to your fellow dancers and teachers
When wearing any DHP appeal, please remember that you are a representation of this dance studio. We want to be the best Christ-like example we can be.